Faith, Hope, and Love

The Queen City congregation is scheduled to resume meeting in person for morning worship starting April 30, 2023, at the Holiday Inn, East Gate Hotel. Worship service begins at 10 am. All other services are virtual, Please come join us.

10 am & 6 pm Sunday Bible Class
11:00 am Sunday Worship
10:30 am Tuesday Bible Study
7:00 pm Wednesday Bible Study

You Are Welcome!

We are people who welcome you in the same way that Jesus welcomes – with grace, patience, love, mercy, knowing we all hold incredible value as God’s creation.

Bible-Based Fellowship

We seek to please God and help one another draw closer to Him. If the Queen City Church of Christ sounds like the Bible-based church you are looking for, then we hope to see you soon.

Study the Bible Online

Easily start your journey in the Bible online with a personal study helper ready to answer your questions.